NHK Trophy 2013 (Free Skates)
Anastasia Martiusheva/Alexei Rogonov have a beautiful choreography, but they need to work on their presentation, especially Anastasia. The side-by-side Double Axels were just Singles, the thrown Triple Flip failed and the thrown Triple Loop was double-footed. Their score: 96.40. Overall: 145.37
Narumi Takahashi/Ryuichi Kihara took out all the drama, patriotism and love out of Les Miserables. Technically, she singled the Double Toeloop and double-footed both thrown jumps. They obtained 86.59 points. Overall: 138.13
Paige Lawrence/Rudi Swiegers's routine was beautifully structured, but would have been enhanced by more epic costumes. She fell on the Triple Toeloop, singled the Double Toeloop and fell again on the thrown Triple Lutz. The side-by-side spins were in sync, but too far way from each other. Their score: 100.77. Overall: 153.55
Marissa Castelli/Simon Shnapir aim to defy belief in their careers. Although he doubled the Triple Toeloop and she singled the Double in the same combination, she managed to land, although double-footed, a thrown Quad Salchow. The fourth mistake was his fall on the Triple Salchow. They obtained 110.29 points. Overall: 168.89
Haven Denney/Brandon Frazier's sad romance was easy on the eyes and well performed. Technically, he double-footed the side-by-side Triple Salchow, she put her hand down on the thrown Triple Salchow and they both messed up the Double Axels in sequence. Their score: 109.18. Overall: 167.85

Cheng Peng/Hao Zhang skated on Yellow River Concerto, a song not many might be familiar with, but they did it gracefully and sold the story well. The double-footed Triple Toeloop, non-synchronized side-by-side spins and dodgy thrown Triple Loop were their mistakes. They obtained 117.09 points. Overall: 182.18
Wenjing Sui/Cong Han presented Kalinka so well you wouldn't have guessed they're not Russians if you didn't know better. They had three nasty falls - on the side-by-side Double Toeloop, on the thrown Triple Flip and on the exit out of the last lift. Their score: 101.19. Overall: 171.32
Tatiana Volosozhar/Maxim Trankov look good indestructible. Here's hoping they stay like that until the end of the season. They obtained 154.46 points. Overall: 236.49
Konstantin Menshov focused so hard on skating cleanly that he almost forgot to present the music. His only mistake was a hand down on the Triple Toeloop. His score: 147.75. Overall: 221.32
Max Aaron has a taste for plain tight costumes (not that we're entirely complaining), which tends to take a little from the interpretation. He double-footed the first Quad Salchow and singled the second, but overall the routine had some good moments. He obtained 147.14 points. Overall: 223.35
Jeremy Abbott came back strong! His routine was exquisite and well skated. His major mistake was stepping out of the Triple Salchow. The only scheduled quad turned into a Triple Toeloop. His score: 158.63. Overall: 237.41
Sergei Voronov attacked his three tangos with poise, delivering a great performance. On a technical level, he singled the Triple Lutz and over-rotated the last Triple Axel. He obtained 141.38 points. Overall: 221.18
Takahito Mura impersonated Shogun today, and got the full support of the entire arena. Unfortunately, the technical bit was not great - he double-footed the quad and the Triple Flip, and singled the Triple Lutz. His score: 147.25. Overall: 227.22
Adam Rippon's rendition of L'apres-midi d'une Faune was majestic. He had almost no mistake, just stepping out of the quad and singling the second Triple Axel. He did both Triple Lutzes with his arms in the air, which is his signature move. He obtained 151.46 points. Overall: 233.71
Nobunari Oda is bent on greatness. Cheerful and profound at the same time, he sold the routine excellently. Technically, he tripled the Quad Toeloop and singled the Second Toeloop. His score: 170.46. Overall: 227.22
Javier Fernandez can sure charm his way into an audience's heart, but this was not his day. He stepped out of the Triple Axel, Loop and Flip, tripled the second Quad Salchow and doubled both Triple Lutz and Salchow. He obtained 145.67. Overall: 230.45
Daisuke Takahashi knows how to bring an arena on its feet. He stepped out of the Triple Toeloop and had a hand down on the second Triple Axel, but otherwise his routine was impeccable. His score: 172.76. Overall: 268.31
Victoria Sinitsina/Ruslan Zhiganshin's routine featured an epic collection of songs (Norma by Vincenzo Bellini) and very expressive costumes. It was a good skate from the Russians. Their score: 79.89. Overall: 124.23
Cathy Reed/Chris Reed made a wise choice when going with the soundtrack of Shogun II. They portrayed all the drama and heroism of the story, but had the tinniest lack of synchronization at the start of the twizzles. They obtained 81.85 points. Overall: 133.76
Tanja Kolbe/Stefano Caruso were at times too slow for the music of Enchanted, but she was really convincing as a dreamy-eyed Disney princess. Their score: 78.12. Overall: 130.51
Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier's dark programme captured all the sides of Hitchcock's films. The choreography was a masterpiece, every element bursting with originality. They obtained 88.87 points. Overall: 144.07

Elena Ilinykh/Nikita Katsalapov would have made Tchaikovski proud if he was still alive. The interpretation was so flawless you could almost see the emotional brutality of Swan Lake. Their score: 94.02. Overall: 155.37
Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani have their own star to impress: Michael Jackson. Entertaining and funky, their skate got you up and dancing along. They obtained 94.49 points. Overall: 157.58
Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte were funny and serene in their interpretation of The Barber of Seville. Their score: 95.48. Overall: 160.06
Meryl Davis/Charlie White's Sheherazade was absolutely glorious. The costumes are exquisite and their presentation, perfect. They obtained 112.95 points. Overall: 186.65
Elene Gedevanishvili focused so hard on the technical part, she forgot to put on a presentation. She had a dodgy landing on the Triple Lutz, double-footed the Triple Salchow, doubled the second Triple Salchow, fell on the last Triple Toeloop and almost lost balance on the last spin. Her score: 84.15. Overall: 129.29
Mirai Nagasu showed us a bit of James Bond action on ice. Artistically it was alright, but she double-footed the first Triple Flip, singled the Triple Loop and fell on the second Triple Flip. She obtained 90.70 points. Overall: 141.71
Alena Leonova used every bit of seduction and tragedy she's got for this Carmen routine, which means she was simply fabulous. She double-footed the Triple Toeloop and singled the Double Axel, but considering she's had far worse skates in the past, we'll call this a success. Her score: 106.08. Overall: 161.94
Satoko Miyahara received a standing ovation for elegance and perfection. The music she used was Vincente Amigo's Poeta, a song we're starting to be a little too familiar with. She obtained 111.82 points. Overall: 170.21
Valentina Marchei chose the beautiful Nyah by Hans Zimmer. It's lovely to see how she took a song out of its original context (Mission Impossible) and wrote her own story with it. Technically, the Triple Toeloop became a Double and the Triple Flip was double-footed. Her score: 106.08. Overall: 168.95
Gracie Gold was 'sleepier' than usually, but still delivered an enjoyable performance. She fell on the Triple Lutz and doubled the Triple Salchow. She obtained 114.98 points. Overall: 177.81
Elena Radionova has nothing to lose, so she can just have a good time out there. That definitely looked like it was the case here. Her programme was fun, complex and flawless. Her score: 128.98. Overall: 191.81
Akiko Suzuki can be brilliant on her good days, but this was not one of them. She singled the Double Loop and the Triple Lutz, doubled the Triple Loop and fell on the second Triple Lutz. What a shame, because her Phantom of the Opera is usually hauntingly beautiful. She obtained 113.29 points. Overall: 179.32
Mao Asada is building a path made of gold towards Sochi. With a double-footed Triple Axel as the only mistake (one easily ignored by us) and an emotional interpretation of Rachmaninoff's music, she made her homeland very proud. Her score: 136.33. Overall: 207.59
Anastasia Martiusheva/Alexei Rogonov have a beautiful choreography, but they need to work on their presentation, especially Anastasia. The side-by-side Double Axels were just Singles, the thrown Triple Flip failed and the thrown Triple Loop was double-footed. Their score: 96.40. Overall: 145.37
Narumi Takahashi/Ryuichi Kihara took out all the drama, patriotism and love out of Les Miserables. Technically, she singled the Double Toeloop and double-footed both thrown jumps. They obtained 86.59 points. Overall: 138.13
Paige Lawrence/Rudi Swiegers's routine was beautifully structured, but would have been enhanced by more epic costumes. She fell on the Triple Toeloop, singled the Double Toeloop and fell again on the thrown Triple Lutz. The side-by-side spins were in sync, but too far way from each other. Their score: 100.77. Overall: 153.55
Marissa Castelli/Simon Shnapir aim to defy belief in their careers. Although he doubled the Triple Toeloop and she singled the Double in the same combination, she managed to land, although double-footed, a thrown Quad Salchow. The fourth mistake was his fall on the Triple Salchow. They obtained 110.29 points. Overall: 168.89
Haven Denney/Brandon Frazier's sad romance was easy on the eyes and well performed. Technically, he double-footed the side-by-side Triple Salchow, she put her hand down on the thrown Triple Salchow and they both messed up the Double Axels in sequence. Their score: 109.18. Overall: 167.85

Cheng Peng/Hao Zhang skated on Yellow River Concerto, a song not many might be familiar with, but they did it gracefully and sold the story well. The double-footed Triple Toeloop, non-synchronized side-by-side spins and dodgy thrown Triple Loop were their mistakes. They obtained 117.09 points. Overall: 182.18
Wenjing Sui/Cong Han presented Kalinka so well you wouldn't have guessed they're not Russians if you didn't know better. They had three nasty falls - on the side-by-side Double Toeloop, on the thrown Triple Flip and on the exit out of the last lift. Their score: 101.19. Overall: 171.32
Tatiana Volosozhar/Maxim Trankov look good indestructible. Here's hoping they stay like that until the end of the season. They obtained 154.46 points. Overall: 236.49
Konstantin Menshov focused so hard on skating cleanly that he almost forgot to present the music. His only mistake was a hand down on the Triple Toeloop. His score: 147.75. Overall: 221.32
Max Aaron has a taste for plain tight costumes (not that we're entirely complaining), which tends to take a little from the interpretation. He double-footed the first Quad Salchow and singled the second, but overall the routine had some good moments. He obtained 147.14 points. Overall: 223.35
Jeremy Abbott came back strong! His routine was exquisite and well skated. His major mistake was stepping out of the Triple Salchow. The only scheduled quad turned into a Triple Toeloop. His score: 158.63. Overall: 237.41
Sergei Voronov attacked his three tangos with poise, delivering a great performance. On a technical level, he singled the Triple Lutz and over-rotated the last Triple Axel. He obtained 141.38 points. Overall: 221.18
Takahito Mura impersonated Shogun today, and got the full support of the entire arena. Unfortunately, the technical bit was not great - he double-footed the quad and the Triple Flip, and singled the Triple Lutz. His score: 147.25. Overall: 227.22
Adam Rippon's rendition of L'apres-midi d'une Faune was majestic. He had almost no mistake, just stepping out of the quad and singling the second Triple Axel. He did both Triple Lutzes with his arms in the air, which is his signature move. He obtained 151.46 points. Overall: 233.71
Nobunari Oda is bent on greatness. Cheerful and profound at the same time, he sold the routine excellently. Technically, he tripled the Quad Toeloop and singled the Second Toeloop. His score: 170.46. Overall: 227.22
Javier Fernandez can sure charm his way into an audience's heart, but this was not his day. He stepped out of the Triple Axel, Loop and Flip, tripled the second Quad Salchow and doubled both Triple Lutz and Salchow. He obtained 145.67. Overall: 230.45
Daisuke Takahashi knows how to bring an arena on its feet. He stepped out of the Triple Toeloop and had a hand down on the second Triple Axel, but otherwise his routine was impeccable. His score: 172.76. Overall: 268.31
Victoria Sinitsina/Ruslan Zhiganshin's routine featured an epic collection of songs (Norma by Vincenzo Bellini) and very expressive costumes. It was a good skate from the Russians. Their score: 79.89. Overall: 124.23
Cathy Reed/Chris Reed made a wise choice when going with the soundtrack of Shogun II. They portrayed all the drama and heroism of the story, but had the tinniest lack of synchronization at the start of the twizzles. They obtained 81.85 points. Overall: 133.76
Tanja Kolbe/Stefano Caruso were at times too slow for the music of Enchanted, but she was really convincing as a dreamy-eyed Disney princess. Their score: 78.12. Overall: 130.51
Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier's dark programme captured all the sides of Hitchcock's films. The choreography was a masterpiece, every element bursting with originality. They obtained 88.87 points. Overall: 144.07

Elena Ilinykh/Nikita Katsalapov would have made Tchaikovski proud if he was still alive. The interpretation was so flawless you could almost see the emotional brutality of Swan Lake. Their score: 94.02. Overall: 155.37
Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani have their own star to impress: Michael Jackson. Entertaining and funky, their skate got you up and dancing along. They obtained 94.49 points. Overall: 157.58
Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte were funny and serene in their interpretation of The Barber of Seville. Their score: 95.48. Overall: 160.06
Meryl Davis/Charlie White's Sheherazade was absolutely glorious. The costumes are exquisite and their presentation, perfect. They obtained 112.95 points. Overall: 186.65
Elene Gedevanishvili focused so hard on the technical part, she forgot to put on a presentation. She had a dodgy landing on the Triple Lutz, double-footed the Triple Salchow, doubled the second Triple Salchow, fell on the last Triple Toeloop and almost lost balance on the last spin. Her score: 84.15. Overall: 129.29
Mirai Nagasu showed us a bit of James Bond action on ice. Artistically it was alright, but she double-footed the first Triple Flip, singled the Triple Loop and fell on the second Triple Flip. She obtained 90.70 points. Overall: 141.71
Alena Leonova used every bit of seduction and tragedy she's got for this Carmen routine, which means she was simply fabulous. She double-footed the Triple Toeloop and singled the Double Axel, but considering she's had far worse skates in the past, we'll call this a success. Her score: 106.08. Overall: 161.94
Satoko Miyahara received a standing ovation for elegance and perfection. The music she used was Vincente Amigo's Poeta, a song we're starting to be a little too familiar with. She obtained 111.82 points. Overall: 170.21
Valentina Marchei chose the beautiful Nyah by Hans Zimmer. It's lovely to see how she took a song out of its original context (Mission Impossible) and wrote her own story with it. Technically, the Triple Toeloop became a Double and the Triple Flip was double-footed. Her score: 106.08. Overall: 168.95

Elena Radionova has nothing to lose, so she can just have a good time out there. That definitely looked like it was the case here. Her programme was fun, complex and flawless. Her score: 128.98. Overall: 191.81
Akiko Suzuki can be brilliant on her good days, but this was not one of them. She singled the Double Loop and the Triple Lutz, doubled the Triple Loop and fell on the second Triple Lutz. What a shame, because her Phantom of the Opera is usually hauntingly beautiful. She obtained 113.29 points. Overall: 179.32
Mao Asada is building a path made of gold towards Sochi. With a double-footed Triple Axel as the only mistake (one easily ignored by us) and an emotional interpretation of Rachmaninoff's music, she made her homeland very proud. Her score: 136.33. Overall: 207.59
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