Olympic Games 2014 - Dancers' Free Skate
Figure skating is becoming more jaw-dropping with every edition of the Olympic Games. This time, the biggest surprise comes from the winners of the Bronze Medal, which have so far been skaters nobody expected on the podium. Will the Dance final follow this new trend or is this the one discipline where experience matters more?
Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitri Soloviev are the only podium contenders that present a recycled programme and that is disappointing. That being said, this routine is excellent and was one of my favourites last season. It's still as good, but they are perhaps too far from their compatriots to still hope for a medal. Their score: 102.95. Overall: 172.92.
Tanja Kolbe/Stefano Caruso must have fallen in love with New York. Yesterday they paid it a tribute and today they skate on the soundtrack of Enchanted, the story of a fairytale princess who literally falls into our world and well, you know what happens afterwards. Taking a Disney theme is not something many skaters do despite the gorgeous music that comes with these movies, so we're glad to see these two haven't shied away from it. There are however some bits with just bird chirping which don't sound that pretty. As mistakes go, she stumbles during a transition. Their score: 76.13. Overall: 130.56.
Alexandra Paul/Mitchell Islam skate on the music of a controversial love story which led to the abdication of a king: W.E. Good twizzles, very pretty costumes, but their lifts are a bit shaky at times. They get 82.79 points. Overall: 138.70.
Isabella Tobias/Deividas Stagniunas are pretty convincing as James Bond and his Bond Girl. The bracelets faking handcuffs are a very witty detail to add to the presentation. Their score: 82.60. Overall: 139.00.
Magic, sacrifice and tragic love are the subjects of Victoria Sinitsina/Ruslan Zhiganshin's routine. The music, Norma by Vincenzo Bellini, is so grand it gives you shivers down the spine and their presentation is satisfying. Unfortunately, there's a slight lack of synchrony in the twizzles and she can't get in the pose for the last lift. They get 82.65 points. Overall: 140.66.
As colourful as any members of the circus, Danielle O'Brien/Gregory Merriman have big smiles plastered on their faces throughout the performance. Their lifts, although exciting, need a bit more practice, as do the twizzles. Their score: 75.85. Overall: 128.53.
Waching Penny Coomes/Nicholas Buckland skate, you can't help but sing along. This is an amazing programme, a true tribute to the King of Pop, performed without error here. They get 91.78 points. Overall: 151.11.
Pernelle Carron/Lloyd Jones are getting annoying in their stubbornness of messing up the twizzles. There are other minor mistakes happening, like the exit out of the last lift, which was anything but pretty. It's a shame because this is a really interesting routine. Their score: 84.62. Overall: 142.87.
Their Pina dance is the best we've seen of Julia Zlobina/Alexei Sitnikov. No more daft costumes, no more music we don't understand, no more stories that apply to a limited demographic. Let's hope they keep going up from here. They get 90.48 points. Overall: 148.63.
Pablo Picasso had as many whims in private as he had in his art, at least that's what Sara Hurtado/Adria Diaz are telling us with their programme. The costumes, both of which scream Picasso, couldn't be any more fit. This is a strong performance full of that Latin passion Spain is known for. Their score: 88.39. Overall: 146.97.
Charlene Guignard/Marco Fabbri, aka Juliet and Romeo, have a small lack of synchrony in the twizzles, but are as dramatic artistically as the most famous love story in the world requires. They get 86.64 points. Overall: 144.78.
Continuing from where they left off yesterday, Nelli Zhiganshina/Alexander Gazsi show us the in and outs of a relationship between two opposites: the sexy lady and the nerdy guy. The conclusion? Women always have the upper hand. Their twizzles pose some difficulty. The change of dress which I still don't like seems to come from a desire to make the story more modern. Their score: 89.86. Overall: 150.77.
We cross 'the Pond' from the last Michael Jackson tribute only to run into another one. Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani's version uses three different songs, but has basically the same structure. The Americans' version however has more difficult twizzles and lifts. As far as iconic moves go, both couples are pretty much on equal ground. They get 90.70 points. Overall: 155.17.
Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte come from the country where opera feels best in, so it's no wonder The Barber of Sevilla befits them so well. Who else feels like eating cake when looking at Anna's dress? Their score: 101.92. Overall: 169.50.
Madison Chock/Evan Bates look fabulous in their roles as Cosette and Marius, in addition to skating flawlessly and filling the ice-rink with drama and a sense of patriotism. They get 99.18 points. Overall: 164.64.
Kaitlyn Weaver/Andrew Poje's tango is a masterpiece on ice. She is simply brilliant in her attitude as femme fatale and he is always so good at putting her in the centre of the story. If these two don't climb on a World podium anytime soon, I am going to be very disappointed with the judges. Their score: 103.18. Overall: 169.11.
Nathalie Pechalat/Fabian Bourzat pull of the cutest of programmes based on Le Petit Prince. The bottom of her dress actually looking like a rose shows attention to details and their acrobatic lifts show why these two deserve a place on the podium. Unfortunately, they lost synchrony in the middle of the twizzle section. They get 104.44 points. Overall: 177.22.
Criticising Tessa Virtue/Scott Moir is not at all easy because they are truly superb, but one cannot help wondering what happened to all the daredevil lifts they used to be so good at. Maybe this is them playing it safe, maybe they wanted to focus more on presentation... Anyway and anyhow, this amazing routine cannot and should not be left without at least a silver Olympic medal. Their score: 114.66. Overall: 190.99.
After an entire season of believing that this is a love story, it suddenly becomes obvious that Elena Ilinykh/Nikita Katsalapov are playing more than two characters on ice. Nikita switches roles somewhere in the middle from the evil sorcerer into the prince. Now everything makes more sense! There's not much to say about this performance except that these two have just become Russia's no. 1 couple. They get 110.44 points. Overall: 183.48.

Meryl Davis/Charlie White have learned from every loss and every victory, growing bit by bit into Olympic champions with each competition they skated in. Tonight, in Sochi, they stand stronger than ever, fully deserving the gold medal. Congratulations! They get 116.63 points. Overall: 195.52.
The standings stay exactly the same after this free skate, not that we would want them any other way. Congratulations to Meryl Davis and Charlie White for winning a title they waited four years for! Congratulations to Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir for climbing the Olympic podium for the second time! Last, but definitely not least, congratulations to Elena Ilinykh and Nikita Katsalapov for giving their very best out there and claiming the bronze medal.!
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