Skate America 2014 - Pairs' Final

The short programme of the pairs' event ended with Yuko Kavaguti/Alexander Smirnov in first place. Although no one doubts they'll still be there at the end of the free skate, the same cannot be said about Cheng Peng/Hao Zhang (second) and Haven Denney/Brandon Frazier (third). Let's see what happens:

Unless you know Phantom of the Opera very well, it's hard to tell that's what Miriam Ziegler/Severin Kiefer are skating to until Gerard Butler starts singing. And that's my biggest problem with the Germans' routine. The mistakes, after all, can happen anytime, but the presentation is never bad accidentally. They should interact more with each other and dig dipper into the tragedy of the story. Their score: 90.56. Overall: 135.83.

Annabelle Prolss/Ruben Blommaert have the same problem as their countrymen. If it weren't for the elements they must do together, they wouldn't look like much of a couple. But they're young, so there's plenty of time to get to know each other and build a chemistry that looks authentic on ice. Technically, there are a few minor issues, i.e. the first side-by-side jump, which she doubles. They get 87.48 points. Overall: 136.35.

The side-by-side triple Toeloops are problematic for Vanessa Grenier/Maxime Deschamps as well. They also have a fall on the other side-by-side jumps and a hand down on the thrown triple Salchow. The music is Somewhere in Time. Their score: 92.46. Overall: 143.59.

Yuko Kavaguti & Alexander Smirnov winning the gold medal
Photograph: Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images North America
Madeline Aaron/Max Settlage look the parts in their The King and I costumes. A lovely part of this routine is when they act out the scene of Anna and the King dancing. This is one of those rare occasions when an actor's voice in the background helps the presentation. Technically, he messes up the side-by-side jumps, and the synchronised spins are not as good as they should be. They get 101.63 points. Overall: 160.04.

An American in Paris seems to be trending this season. Alexa Scimeca/Chris Knierim give us the pair version, which is certainly more colourful and slightly more fun than the dance one. Technically though, Chris can't catch a break from all the mistakes he makes. Their score: 108.01. Overall: 168.62.

Normally, when a Disney classic comes to the ice, the result is breathtaking. Haven Denney/Brandon Frazier's Lion King isn't. I'm not sure what about it is boring, but the first half of the programme kind of makes me sleep with my eyes open. Technically though, they are fabulous. They get 122.76 points. Overall: 183.84.

I'm always conflicted about Cheng Peng/Hao Zhang and I'm sure the judges are too. They are incredibly fast and so good at using the little changes in music to give colour to the choreography. The downside is that she is still not strong enough to land all the elements, and in consequence falls on both side-by-side jumps. Their score: 120.05. Overall: 182.43.

Yuko Kavaguti/Alexander Smirnov's thrown quad salchow looks so effortless it's almost surreal. I've complained in the past about their obsession with classical music, but the truth is that they're not changing now and it is commitment which makes them the best at interpreting it. They get 140.00. Overall: 160.04.

It is amazing to see Kavaguti/Smirnov come back like this after the disappearance act they were forced to pull two years ago. It just goes to show that taking a break can help you regroup and refocus. They win here today, followed by the technically flawless Denney/Frazier and the lovely Peng/Zhang.


  1. - Yoko/Sasha: oh what a come back!!!!!!! and I have nothing else to say ^_^ I'm speechless :))))
    - Cheng/Zhang: poor Cheng, I mean I knew she had problem with the SBS jumps, I said this at your predict essay, but it's still really sad for her.
    - Denney/Frazier: what a cute pair, they remind me of Dube/Davison when they were still together, really cute and promising pair.


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