Europeans 2017 - We've Got the Blues (Ice Dance Top 5 SP)

There is a saying about some eggs and a basket that basically means no one can have everything at the same time. It seemed to apply to France today after the one French team we were all sure of, suddenly dropped to third place. So what happened?

First of all, let's take a look at the leaders. Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte are one of the closest couples on ice, and they used that and their chemistry to tie the story together in their transitions. I felt like I was watching this routine for the first time, maybe because of the new lift - liked the old one better. Still, phenomenal skate from them, which got them 76.65 points.

Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitri Soloviev finished on second with a much sexier routine than that of the Italians. I really like how they seem to have studied jazz dance to add authenticity to their arm movements not just in the step sequence, but throughout the routine. Their score: 76.18.

Alright, so what happened that made Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron land on third? Not an error, as far as I could see. Perhaps the culprit was the level of difficulty? The twizzles and the lift were not as complex as those of their rivals. Gorgeous costumes, but otherwise, the style was pretty much what we've already seen from them. Maybe judges want to see something new? They earned 75.48 points.

Italy's second in command, Guignard & Fabbri exceeded expectations with their Grease routine
Charlene Guignard/Marco Fabbri upped their game to finish the short on fourth place. Their Grease theme is one of the best themes of the season, and their blues section was on point today. I can't leave out the step sequence - clapping and snapping their fingers in time with the music like that takes a lot of practice. I'm glad to see their hard work is starting to pay off. Their score: 70.46.

That being said, if there was one couple I did not expect to see this high, it was Isabella Tobias/Ilia Tkachenko. Really impressed by these two - their routine was super fun if not as sophisticated as the others'. Difficult twizzles with transitions in between positions and a jump entrance into the rotational lift made them get high technical scores as well. They earned 69.35 points.

So, the answer to my initial question? With no mistakes in sight, it's perhaps safe to assume what made Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron end up on third place was that they simply paled in comparison to the others. Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte were charismatic and cheeky, while Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitri Soloviev used their seduction cards to charm the judges. It's a strange feeling, but I couldn't be happier for them both while hoping the French perform better in the final.


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